
2020-07-13 17:54:38
This is an ordinary loft house hidden in the bustling city. The designer demolished the floorslab of the second floor to let a vitreous bridge across the space. All superfluous walls were dismantled to make the bedroom and the bathroom integrated spatially. Therefore, the lighting and sense of space were improved relatively. The main keynote of the space is quiet black which is decorated by bright yellow embellishments filling with visual attraction.
设计师把诸多艺术品、中式家具、黄铜古董床、北欧老柜子、翻新的老柚木地板、现代的设计单品进行了混搭。 Vintage、现代、复古、摩登等元素恰到好处的搭配在一起,创造出了许多不同的情绪,一个有趣且独特的空间。
The designer added several artworks, Chinese furniture, brass antique bed, old Nordic cabinet, refurbished teak floor and modern design articles together to create a kind of mix-and-match style. The combination of vintage, modern, antique and up-to-date elements was quiet to the point creating various kinds of emotions in an interesting and unique space.
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